
Wordle: Tips and Tricks to WinJosh Wardle (website/game), Berrely (vectorizing) Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Tips and Tricks to win at Wordle

Wordle is a popular online word game that involves guessing a five-letter word with limited attempts. Each guess is scored based on how many letters match the target word and are in the correct position.

The objective is to guess the target word using as few attempts as possible. The game has gained widespread popularity in recent years and is often played as a fun way to challenge one's vocabulary and problem-solving skills.

10 tricks to win at Wordle

  1. Start with common vowels

    Since the target word is five letters long it's likely to have at least one vowel. Start by guessing the most common vowels, such as "A", "E" and "O". These are often found in many words and can help you narrow down the possibilities quickly. I personally start with 'adieu' (A D I E U), which is a word with heavy emphasis on vowels, and continue with any of these magical words: React, Later, Sired, Tears, Alone, Arise, About, Atone, Irate, Snare, Cream, Paint, Worse, Sauce, Anime, Prowl, Roast, Drape, Media. Another good word to start is "audio" (A U D I O).

  2. Look for letter patterns

    As you guess more letters, look for patterns that can help you identify the target word. For example if you guess "E" and "A" and the game tells you that two letters are correct, you can deduce that the word has both "E" and "A" in it, but they may not be in the correct positions.

  3. Use process of elimination

    If you have a few letters that you are confident are correct, try different combinations of those letters to see if you can find the target word. For example, if you know that the first letter is "S" and the third letter is "T", you can try different vowels and consonants for the remaining letters.

  4. Pay attention to word length

    Since the target word is always five letters long you can eliminate words that are too long or too short. For example, if you guess "E", "A", "S", "Y" and "I" and the game tells you that only one letter is correct, you can eliminate words that are not five letters long.

  5. Guess common consonants

    After guessing common vowels move on to guessing common consonants such as "S", "T", "R", "N", and "L". These are often found in many words and can help you narrow down the possibilities even further.

    Wordle AppJoshua Hoehne / Unsplash

  6. Use a dictionary or word list

    If you're stuck and can't think of any more words to guess, try using a dictionary or word list to find five-letter words that match the letters you have guessed so far. This can help you come up with new ideas and improve your chances of finding the target word.

  7. Don't guess the same letters twice

    Once you have guessed a letter don't guess it again in the same position. This will not help you narrow down the possibilities and will waste one of your limited guesses.

  8. Look for common letter combinations

    Many words contain common letter combinations such as "TH", "ER", and "IN". If you see these combinations in the correct positions you can use them to help you guess other letters in the word.

  9. Use the "reveal word" feature sparingly

    If you're really stuck and can't think of any more words to guess you can use the "reveal word" feature to show you the target word. However, this should only be used as a last resort, as it takes away from the challenge and fun of the game.

  10. Practice, practice practice

    As with any game or skill, the more you practice, the better you will get. Try playing Wordle regularly and challenge yourself to guess the target word with as few guesses as possible. Over time, you'll improve your vocabulary and problem-solving skills and you'll be more likely to win at Wordle.

Wordle mobile NYTimesNils Huenerfuerst / Unsplash

Wordle Curiosities

  • Creator of Wordle

    Wordle was created by Jonathan Feinberg a software engineer and former senior scientist at IBM Research. He created the game in 2008 as a side project and released it on his personal website.

  • Origin of Wordle

    Wordle was originally called "Piglet" and was a game where players had to guess a four-letter word in six attempts.

  • Meaning of "Wordle"

    The name "Wordle" was suggested by Feinberg's wife and is a play on the words "word" and "riddle".

  • Popularity of Wordle

    Wordle gained widespread popularity in early 2021 after being shared on social media, particularly Twitter. It quickly became a viral sensation and has been played by millions of people around the world.

  • Intentions of Creator

    Feinberg has stated that he never intended for Wordle to become a commercial product or make any money from it. He has refused offers to sell the game or monetize it in any way.

  • Design Philosophy

    Feinberg has also stated that he intentionally made Wordle a simple and straightforward game with no ads or distractions, and that the focus should be on the gameplay and the fun of guessing words.

  • Maintenance of Wordle

    Feinberg has said that he spends very little time working on Wordle and only updates it occasionally to fix bugs or add new features.

  • Similar Games

    There are many websites and apps that offer similar word-guessing games inspired by Wordle, but Feinberg's original game remains the most popular and well-known.

  • Educational Value

    Feinberg has encouraged players to use Wordle as a way to improve their vocabulary and language skills, and has even suggested that teachers could use it as an educational tool.

  • Praise for Wordle

    Wordle has been praised for its simplicity, accessibility and addictiveness and has been described as a "brain teaser" and a "word nerd's dream".

Wordle in different languagesToutacoup, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Where to play Wordle in different languages?

If you're looking to play Wordle there are many variations of the original game available online. However, a good starting point could be wordlegame.org. Here you'll find many versions of the game in different languages, so no matter where you're from, you should be able to play. Plus, the site offers a user-friendly interface and clear instructions, making it easy for anyone to get started. So why not give it a try and see how well you can do at the game of Wordle?